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Monday, November 5, 2018

Magnolia Cemetery

My first impressions on the Magnolia cemetery is that it is massive.  It is very old and historic. I did not see one recent grave.  They have all types of markers and symbols.  There are over 35,000 people buried there and they can be all different types of religion.   There are several civil war veterans and generals buried there. 
  Magnolia Cemetery Picture
Magnolia Cemetery
Image result for magnolia cemetery layout
The layout of the cemetery is 150 acres.  Family's back then could buy there own plot to burry there family. There is also a military section with cannons.  And there is another cemetery right next to it with people from a church in it. 
This grave belonged to C. Lanney Meyer, M.D . They where born in January 17, 1827 and died on December 31 1895.  
This is Sarah Calhoun Simmons. She was born January 19 1839 and she died on February 9 1908.  She Shares this grave with her husband and he was born March 24 1821 and he died on June 12 1889.  

The Special thing about this one is that it is not a grave it is a monument with a lot of different people.  This side has on it Edward Courtney Bullogn, Alexander Black Courtney,Charels Courtney Tew.    

This side has Wiliam Ashmead Courtney. He is the only person on this side.  He was the mayor of Charleston, he got LLD from South Carolina and university of Tennessee .  

This side has Edward courtney,  Edward Smith Courtney and Elizebeth Storer Wade.  

This side shows who the whole monument is for.  It is for Julia Anna Francis. wife of William Ashmead Courtney.

The Magnolia Cemetery was a fun trip.  I saw a lot of different things you would not see at a church grave yard like the big monuments a military grave site and much more.  The most interesting  thing in my opinion was how big some of the graves where and how much detail they put in to them.  They just dont make them like that anymore.  

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